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Scheduler Data Entry
MaryEllen Elliott avatar
Written by MaryEllen Elliott
Updated over 7 months ago

Click Scheduler in the upper blue bar.

When the Scheduler opens, you can view any date you’d like to review by using the arrows in the upper left corner, or click “Today” to move to the current date.  You can also use the small calendar to jump to a distant date.

Viewing Options

Day View - The calendar can be viewed most effectively by the day and each day can be presented in different groupings – Center, Resource, or Appointment Type.  More on the Groupings later.

Week View - If you select the Week view, you will see appointments presented by the time slot, not divided into Centers, Resources or Appointment Types.

Month View – Currently available only when using the Firefox or Safari browsers.

Group By

The “Group By” drop down list allows you to change the way your Scheduler creates columns to show appointments. 

The default view is “Centers.”  If you have more than one office where you meet with clients, this grouping shows all appointments at each office (column) divided by time slots. 

You can also select “Resource” to group appointments in columns by Rooms (Room #1, Room #2) or Consultants (Vol. #1, Vol. #2, etc.), divided by time slots. 

“Appointment Types” is the last grouping.  Each Appointment Type will be listed in its own column, divided by time slots.

Creating an Appointment

Now that the Settings have been created, you are ready to enter your first client appointment.

Locate Date and Time

Find the date (June 5th in the example below) for the appointment on the Scheduler grouped by Center (Main). 

Point to the start time. (Noon)

Hold the left mouse button down, drag to the ending time, and double-click in the ending time spot (12:30 PM). The default appointment length is 15 minutes, so this technique automatically lengthens this time period.  If you cannot “master” the drag and double-click technique, simply change the appointment length using the little clock once the appointment opens.

This screen appears:

Search for the Caller

Click in the “Client” field to search your database  - like Quick Find - to see if the Caller has been to the center before. Enter the first few letters of the caller’s last name, and a list of qualifying names appears. 

If Caller’s name is found:  Click on the Name and the “First Name,” “Last Name,” “Phone,” and “Birth date” data appears in those fields (if it was all previously entered in the Client’s record) on the Appointment form.

NOTE: If you select an EXISTING CLIENT, do NOT CLICK THE SEND FORMS BUTTON. If you do, an INTAKE FORM will be created, which is NOT what you want.

If Caller’s name is NOT found as an existing client: You must enter the caller’s “First Name,” “Last Name,” “Phone,” and “Birth date” in the appropriate fields.

Required Fields: The “Subject” field and all the fields in the bottom row (four fields) are required. You will get an error message when you try to Save if these fields are left blank. You will also get an error message if the time is entered incorrectly. The drop down fields in the bottom row display the information you added using “Settings.” 

Whatever you enter in the “Subject” field will combine with the “Status” field and will display on your Scheduler. You can enter the caller’s name, or the consultant’s name, or something like "SEE NOTE" in the Subject field. You do not have to enter why the client is coming since that is noted in the “Appointment Type.”

Enter Notes

Enter a Note concerning this appointment.  If you choose, you can reference the NOTE in the Subject line of the appointment to alert Users to the fact that more information is available.

Enter Recurring Appointments

Appointments in a Series can be entered to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, yearly by filling out the form properly.

Displaying Appointments

The screen shot below shows appointments grouped by CENTER.  Note the two visible centers are column headers. 

By looking at this view, you know that the NEW red entry we just created (Scheduled: Client Last Year) at Noon on June 5th is coming to the Main Center because that is the column the appointment is in, and you know her Appointment Type is “Pregnancy Test” because it is in red.  You do NOT know what room/consultant she is assigned (although you could enter it in the Subject field).

Below, that same NEW appointment at Noon on June 5th is shown grouped by RESOURCE. Note she is scheduled in Counseling Room 1. The red indicates her Appointment Type: Pregnancy Test. You do not know which center she is visiting unless you enter it in the Subject line OR have the Resource named “Counseling Room #1, Main Office” or the more cryptic but concise, “MC#1” (which could mean Main Office Counseling Room #1 or Main Office Consultant #1).  This may be the most informative view since you can see if you have more than one appointment scheduled in one room.

Below is that same appointment grouped by APPOINTMENT TYPE. This will be helpful if you need to see quickly how many of each type of appointments are scheduled during the day.  This gives the smallest scope of information since the columns will all show the same Appointment Type, and so does the color, with no indication of Office or Room/Consultant assignment.

In this view, it looks like there is a problem with two classes and two pregnancy tests scheduled at the same time, however, the previous “Resource” view shows us that those appointments are in different rooms.

Consultant Availability

There are two methods of showing Consultant availability on the Scheduler:

1. Column and Color Method

An Appointment Type “Available” is created and given YELLOW as its color.  A Resource Type “Available” is also created. 

 As Consultants are assigned to work, their time slot is added to the Scheduler using “Available” as the Appointment type, and “Available” as the Resource.

2. Use the All-Day time slot to add names and times to each day according to Center.

When using the Column and Color Method of entering Consultant availability, you can still enter an appointment during the AVAILABLE time slot by clicking along the right edge of the Yellow block.  The appointment will fit itself into the yellow block.

Consultant Availability Grouped by Center

Column and Color Method: The Scheduler below is grouped by CENTER and shows availability in the Mobile Unit as Yellow.  Susan, Brandon, and Brianna are available from 10 -12.  At 1:00 a nameless consultant is available. Also, an appointment at the Mobile unit is entered at 11:45 and the color indicates that it is an ultrasound.

All-day Method: We see that Janna and Karen are available from 9-12 in the “All-day” field of the MAIN Center in Yellow. 

Consultant Availability Grouped by Resource

Here we see the example of Column and Color Method:  AVAILABLE Column (Resource) as well as Appointment Types of AVAILABLE (Yellow).

We also see the example of All-day Method:  Janna and Karen in the “All-day” area.

Only by looking at the other headers do we know if we are looking at Appointment View or Resource View.

Consultant Availability Grouped by Appointment Type

Here we see the example of Column and Color Method:  the AVAILABLE Column (Appointment Types) as well as Resource AVAILABLE (Yellow). 

We also see the example of All-day Consultant Availability:  Janna and Karen in the “All-day” area.

Only by looking at the other headers do we know if we are looking at Appointment View or Resource View.

“Hiding” Unnecessary Items

At times it is helpful to look at data from only ONE center, and only the appointments that are available that day.  In this case, the unnecessary items can be hidden (made inactive) temporarily. 

To temporarily hide certain locations, resources or appointments from the Scheduler, remove the check mark from the check box in front of the item. This removes the column from groupings so you see only what you need to see.

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